Kado Terindah

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Di depan pohon tua terdapat sebuah rumah kecil tua beralaskan tanah. Dindingnya terbuat dari bambu yang kasar dicat putih tulang: kursi-kursinya hanya tikar yang menjalar sepanjang ruang depan. Satu atau dua lampu teplok tergantung di langit-langit. Dalam sebuah lorong, di bawah meja kayu lapuk, tampak seekor kucing betina besar berwarna putih sedang tidur nyenyak. Dan di belakang lorong yang lain, tampak seorang ibu tua renta berambut putih dan kurus sedang memasak untuk anak kesayangannya. Continue reading

By latahzan walatanza (akifah abidah) Posted in Cerpen

In-depth Study of Muhammad Iqbal: Biography, Works, and Thought

Muhammad Iqbal

Muhammad Iqbal

A collision between materialism philosopher and conservative philosopher is often occurred presently. Yet the Islamic world has revealed a philosopher and an enormous poet who is named Muhammad Iqbal. According to Sayyed Hussein Nasr that Muhammad Iqbal is a unique thinker. He differs with other many intellectual Muslims who reacts west thought with anti-west fundamentalism. And also Iqbal is an inclusive figure who reacts west thought argumentatively and creatively. Continue reading

By latahzan walatanza (akifah abidah) Posted in Tokoh


Terimalah kenyataan apa adanya!
Berdamailah dengan masa lalu.

Demikianlah petikan puisi berjudul “Sapu Tangan Fang Yin” karya Denny JA yang mengisahkan dilema kehidupan sosok “Fang Yin” yang harus menerima kenyataan hidup yang cukup pahit. Banyak makna dan hikmah yang terkandung dalam puisi tersebut. Salah satunya adanya pesan mengenai untuk memahami makna cinta yang sesungguhnya. Continue reading

Memahami Makna cinta dari “Fang Yin” – Review Puisi Denny JA

By latahzan walatanza (akifah abidah) Posted in Sastra

Gerbang Misteri Jiwa dalam Eskatologi

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Data Buku:

Judul : Perjalanan Jiwa Menuju Akhirat: Filsafat Eskatologi Mulla Shadra

Penulis : Dr. Kholid Al-Walid

Penerbit : Sadra Press

Tebal : xxxviii+266 halaman

Cetakan : 1, 2012

ISBN : 978-602-9261-31-8

Harga : Rp. 55.000


Eskatologi berisi doktrin tentang akhir, seperti kematian, hari kiamat, hari kebangkitan, pengadilan akhir, dan surga neraka. Banyak argumentasi-argumentasi rasional yang meneguhkan bahwa eskatologi adalah suatu kebenaran dan pasti akan terjadi. Sedangkan realitas jiwa merupakan bagian penting dalam pembahasan eskatologi pada Mulla Shadra. Continue reading

By latahzan walatanza (akifah abidah) Posted in Book Review

The Comparison of a Public Transportation between Jakarta and Kudus (Central Java)

Peta Jawa by pusakamitrajasa.wordpress.com

Peta Jawa by pusakamitrajasa.wordpress.com

Between Jakarta and Kudus are resembled of where they have public transportation for the society. So, many people who don’t have a vehicle can go anywhere in their local. In addition, the national government determines the public transportation to all of region in Indonesia. It is equal with the international government around the world. Yet, they differ not only in quantity but also in effect of public transportation. Continue reading

By latahzan walatanza (akifah abidah) Posted in Opinion

Between Pro and Contra about death penalty

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As a matter of fact, people have natural ability as their background. Every religion in this world explains about it. And people also have rationality which differentiates them with other creature like animals and plants. So those, actually every human around us has potential to do a virtue. Nevertheless, they also have potential to do offense as that we had seen it since a long time ago. Thus that logical consequence is every criminal human has potential to change self been better. So that, the human duty is help each other to prevent offense. And curiously, a manner to overcome it is death penalty that has been done since a long time ago. Apparently now, some people have a different opinion. Those are pro and contra regarding with death penalty. Continue reading

By latahzan walatanza (akifah abidah) Posted in Opinion

School Reformation: The Elementary School Curriculum Simplification

The elementary school curriculum simplification in 2013 will be changed by the government

The elementary school curriculum simplification in 2013 will be changed by the government

I have seen the elementary school student who will go to school with bring a heavy backpack and many subject books at hand. He walks with bend over because he carries heavy burden on one’s back. Equable condition I have seen according to many students I found. The backpack burden is heavier than an office worker that full of documents and a personal computer. That is the student daily situation generally. In the morning, the students have to warrant the heavy burden backpack when they go to school. And then if they arrive in their school. They have to warrant again the considerable and intense student lessons. And then if they go home, the new burden has waited because they should follow a bridle or a private lesson from their parent, so that a chance to take pleasure is restricted. The following paragraphs will be explained how is the elementary school curriculum simplification very important to be done. Continue reading

By latahzan walatanza (akifah abidah) Posted in Opinion